
Magnolias predates dinosaurs, a very ancient tree! They are often called living fossils because their flowers have barely changed from millions of years ago. Some medicinal benefits:

Good for the female reproductive system & pms.

  • Apply magnolia essential oil over your heart and the bottom of your feet for a better night of sleep.

  • The aroma of magnolia is known to relieve stress and anxious feelings while providing comfort.

Some spiritual/magical benefits:

  • Magnolia holds the wisdom of the ages of the world within her

  • Symbolizes luck and stability

  • Magnolias are considered a women ‘s plant. All parts of the plant are said to bring power and success to women.

  • Magnolia essential oil is known as the oil of compassion (the main ingredient in my Magnolia Serenity perfume!)

  • Magnolias can metaphysically be used for fertility, femininity, motherhood, beauty, glamour, elegance, luxury, longevity, stability, and faithfulness within relationships.

  • Can help aid self love.

I lived in CT all my life and when I moved to NC last year I noticed these huge beautiful flowers in a tree and was in awe. I picked one and kept it on my shelf in my room, woke up the next morning wondering why my room smelled so amazing and it was that one singular magnolia flower in the corner of my room! The smell and flowers are so beautiful, it’s now one of my favorites! I had to make a scent out of it and thus my Magnolia Serenity perfume was born. I enjoyed researching this flower and seeing how connected it is to the divine feminine. If you’re on your journey of embracing your feminine energy I highly recommend working with this flower. Spray my Magnolia Serenity on you before you start your day!




Lady’s thumb (smartweed)