
“I love your lotion and the smoothness, and smell of Magnolia Serenity smells so good! You are an amazing lady!”

You can fill out a contact form to request custom-made lotions!


“Beautiful blends, I love how long it lasts! I use sandalwood and roses everyday! ”

  • Essential Oils capture the essence of the divine smells in nature!

  • "It takes hundreds of flowers to make a 5ml bottle of essential oil which is the main ingredient in my fragrances!"


  • "Made with my own formula of organic essential oils, alcohol & H2O. "


  • The smells are captivating, long lasting and healing!

Did you know the smell of Magnolia is more relaxing than Lavender? or that Honeysuckle is known to remove negative energies? And that roses naturally help to raise your vibration?!

The Claw Clips listed are some of my favorite claw clips I wear on an everyday basis!