Lady’s thumb (smartweed)

The leaves, fruits, and roots are edible (raw or cooked). The Amish also burned this weed as an insect repellent to keep flies away. Some medicinal benefits:

  • Can be made into a tea to treat the symptoms of coughs, colds, sore throats, and stomach issues

  • Crush it to treat snake bite or poison ivy

  • Can be used topically as an anti-inflammatory for rheumatoid arthritis

  • It’s been said taking the root and putting it against a toothache will help

Magical Benefits:

  • A symbol of endurance and strength because lady’s thumb thrives in adversity and places other plants couldn’t stand a chance.

  • Great for aiding in resilience.

Lady’s thumb is all around my house and is such a cute weed! So far I’ve dried it and used some of it as pepper in my rice!



