Roses are known to raise one’s vibration. It has one of the highest frequencies! Fossil records indicate the first appearance of roses was 35 million years ago. Some medical benefits:
In Ayurvedic medicine, for thousands of years, they’ve been used as this heart tonic to soothe anxiety and depression and to open up the heart.
It enhances skin health. Rose water is an amazing tonic for the skin (Has anti-bacterial properties so it’s good with acne, many benefits to the skin!)
The aroma can uplift mood and reduce anxiety.
Great for digestion issues (flatulence, constipation, upset stomach, and diarrhea).
Some spiritual/magical benefits:
Attracts attention and love into life when you run the oil through your hair
Associated with Venus and feminine energy
The rose is sacred to Aphrodite (The Goddess of Love & Beauty)
Roses are one of my favorite flowers! A smell like no other! Make sure if you make your own remedies or products from roses that they’re not sprayed with chemicals, most bouquets of roses/flowers are. I made a perfume this spring of honeysuckle essential oil and rose essential oil and it’s one of my favorite smells!